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Occupational risks due to high temperatures in the industry

In industry, work can present various challenges and risks for workers. One of the most common risks, especially during the summer months, is exposure to high temperatures. Extreme heat conditions can have detrimental effects on the health and safety of workers, making it essential to take preventive measures to avoid dangerous situations. In this blog, we will explain the occupational risks associated with high temperatures in the industry and provide some guidelines to protect the health and safety of workers.

Occupational risks due to high temperatures

When workers face high temperatures in their work environment, their body can be affected in different ways. Below are some of the most common occupational hazards associated with heat:


Heat stroke is a serious condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Symptoms include dizziness, confusion, weakness, nausea, and even unconsciousness. If not treated properly, it can endanger the worker's life.


Working in hot environments can cause rapid loss of body fluids due to excessive sweating. Dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness, headaches and decreased concentration, increasing the risk of workplace accidents.

Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is characterized by extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, excessive sweating, and pale skin. It is a condition that should be taken seriously as it can quickly progress to heat stroke if steps are not taken to cool the body and rehydrate.

Measures to prevent occupational risks due to high temperatures

Protecting the health and safety of workers in hot environments is a shared responsibility between employers and employees. Here are some preventative measures that can help minimize heat-related occupational risks:

Provide training

Employers should train workers on the risks associated with high temperatures and how to recognize the signs of heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and dehydration. This will help raise awareness and foster a culture of safety in the workplace.

Schedule regular breaks

It is essential to schedule regular breaks to allow workers to rest and hydrate in a cool, shaded area. These breaks should be long enough to allow the heat accumulated in the body to recover.

Provide personal protective equipment (PPE)

Employers must provide and ensure the proper use of personal protective equipment, such as light, breathable clothing, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. These elements will help protect workers from direct solar radiation and keep their bodies cooler.

Adequate ventilation

It is essential to ensure adequate ventilation in work spaces to reduce heat buildup. This may include using fans, air conditioners, or implementing measures to improve airflow, such as open windows or doors with air curtains.

Thermal insulation as a protective measure 

Thermal insulation helps reduce heat transfer between the hot environment and the work environment. This provides an additional level of protection for workers by minimizing direct exposure to extreme heat and decreasing the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

By maintaining more moderate temperatures in work spaces, thermal insulation helps create a more comfortable and safer work environment for employees. This can increase productivity, reduce fatigue, and improve workers' overall well-being.

Occupational risks from high temperatures in industry are a serious concern and must be proactively addressed to ensure the health and safety of workers. At Vemori we provide you with personalized solutions to protect your equipment and your collaborators. At Vemori we know that the health and well-being of workers is essential. Let's work together to prevent high temperature occupational hazards in the industry and ensure everyone returns home safe and sound! Visit our website for more information.